514 • 626 • 9610
Policies and Regulations |
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Lucia V. Coretti
Physical Education
Physical Education uniforms must be worn by all students when participating in Physical Education class or open gym. The uniform consists of black gym shorts, a crested PCHS gray T-shirt, socks and running shoes. Students who do not have proper attire, will not be permitted to participate.
Each student will be issued a small locker to store his/her Physical Education uniform. These lockers must be locked during the Gym class. The large lockers may be used during classes and activities only. Students should not bring valuables to gym class. Locks may not be left overnight on these large lockers. Failure to adhere to this regulation may lead to the removal of lock and equipment from the locker without prior notice. Items should never be left in an unlocked locker.
As Physical Education is compulsory, students must be present in class. A student may not be excused from Physical Education class without a note from home, a doctor’s note, a note from the Health Office or the Administration. If a student must miss Physical Education class for more than four consecutive days for medical reasons, a doctor’s note or a note of permission from the Health Office or the office of the Vice-Principal must be provided.
Open Gym: There is no open gym during regular class time or after school. Students should not come to the gym to watch other classes or seek to “play” in an open area of the gym. During pre-determined lunch periods, there will be a supervising teacher during Open Gym. Students should check the Lunch Supervision Schedule in the gym for the available times. At these times, a supervising teacher will distribute certain equipment to participating students. Failure to adhere to the rules in the gym or the abuse of equipment or facilities will result in dismissal from Open Gym for that student.
Participatory Guidelines
Participation in extra-curricular activities is subject to regular school attendance, consistent effort in a student's schoolwork and appropriate behaviour. If any of the above is not being followed, a student may be withdrawn from extra-curricular activities. Students must demonstrate to the teacher advisor that they deserve to participate in an activity. Being a member of a school team or an extra-curricular activity is a privilege, not a right. The following are to be observed:
The regular school program is your number one priority. Schoolwork should not suffer due to involvement in any activity.
Any student not well enough to participate in all classes on a specific day will also be incapable of participating in an extra-curricular activity.
Any student suspended from school is not permitted to participate in any school activity while under suspension.
School equipment is expensive. It is to be treated with care and respect or will be repaired or replaced at the student's expense.
Cooperation with staff is a necessity. Staff members and other volunteers are giving their time to run an activity and expect your help and support.
Finally, you represent your school, teacher and teammates during an activity, whether it is at PCHS, in another school or in transit. Your behaviour, therefore, must be at the highest level. Sportsmanship, adherence to game rules, courtesy to all officials, guests and hosts in other schools is expected at all times.